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The project was set to be completed by the year. However, environmentalists fear it will further upset the region's environment and affect the lives of some 60 million people and their descendants.
The warning comes from the Washington-based Stimson Center, which noted that the Nuozhadu Dam in China's Yunnan province, together with four dams built previously, has already altered the hydrology as well as the plant and animal life of the 5,000-km river.

The study by the Stimson Center indicates that the dam will cause "huge damages" to Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and even Vietnam. For experts, it will change the river's flow, with a huge negative impact on agriculture downstream. This will be the case especially for the Lower Mekong region, in Vietnam, where seawater will invade ever-larger areas of the delta.

Discussions over the consequences of existing and future dams on the Mekong have gone on for years since millions of people depend on the river for fish, water and transportation.
Some 12 hydroelectric dams are planned for the lower Mekong, which flows through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. However, China's existing and future dams are the most worrisome since the Mekong originates in that country and covers a long stretch in it.
What is more, when it comes to its dams, Beijing has been accused of lack of transparency, even though international law requires that it provide information about its dams to all the countries that could be impacted.
Paul N. Hung